Friday, March 4, 2011

I guess it's better than biting on a stick

I'm sick with an epic sore throat so I've resorted to drinking lemon juice, honey and whisky. not just any whisky, I had to have to good stuff like the kind my MC Eamon drinks. well, not that good but still. anyway, it is butt awful. and my throat doesn't feel any better. I'm convinced that it is an acquired taste, one that I will never acquire. however, dudes may feel free to continue to drink expensive single malt scotch whisky because that's what dudes drink.
I do see how people used to use it for anesthesia though. I imagine that if you drank enough slugs of this you wouldn't feel much. it would have to be better than biting a stick. hopefully my sore throat will let up and drinking this heinous concoction will not be in vain. I'd hate to think nothing good came from this torture.
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